Your own In-house apps can be published to exact agreed requirements using our proven product management process to produce software that meets the right requirements and meets quality and time to market goals.
Proven product management process
- We work with you to establish the ‘shape’ of the organization and the context
- The kind of company you are determines the success criteria for the software we help you create whether it be Vertical Market Software, In-House Bespoke systems, or pervasive Business Software
- Alliances with vendors, attitude to Open Source are key influences in software choice
- Resources available in the value chain of the business?
If you are a consumer software company trying to build a mobile phone infrastructure you fail the shape test. Do mobile phone companies building consumer software fail it too?
Single version of the truth
Invest in the right type of tools for the project work you are undertaking. As real-time as you can!
Don’t use a Text editor to manage a multi team multi part continual project focus on delivery of solutions with evolving requirements
Invest in thinking about KPI measurement starting from the ground rules. Even the simplest measures for project health can be hugely effective in comparing projects and their teams.
Make Traceability pervasive
- We uniquely number items from cradle to grave and don’t allow people to change the number. Not Ever. You can change the name or the order or priority
“Oh no that’s not the Printer Driver it’s the Print Spooler, The printer driver is not yet scheduled.” – Developer
“Is it E001 or not? If its not whats its number so we can trace back to the requirement for clarity, or find it’s a new requirement, schedule it and update the project to take account of its requirements” – You
“its part of E001, its going to take 2 more days..” - Developer
Avoid the tidal wave of mediocrity..
Having ticket management systems in place doesn’t guarantee success. Real success comes from continually completing products that people want. Everyones an expert after the fact but we make you examine how you make these decisions and challenge the simple ones. Group based decision making based on industry conference consensus results in mediocrity, lack of definition, and sameness
It's no good doing things right if youre not doing the right things
We make sure you track milestones, across organisational silos and through political boundaries. We use identical KPI's to measure project success.